Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am a golden god!

Yes, I FINALLY got around to watching 'Almost Famous'. I know, I know. I hear you. I know the movie came out like, I don't know ten years ago or something. Point is, I finally saw it. And now I'm mad I waited so long to see it. It was (and I'm going to quote my friend S right now) perfect. Honestly. I can't think of one thing I didn't like about it. Even Kate Hudson, who I don't really care that much for. She's just... kinda there. In the world that is. I watched the entire movie saying to myself 'self, this guy that plays Russell looks really effin' familiar'. Then the credits roll. DUH! How did I not know it was Billy Crudup?!? I really think something has made my brain all mushy and soft. Either way, the movie was amazing and needs to be seen by all.

Other than that, I have nothing super important to say. I'm working on my Netfix list which is slowly but surely sucking my soul right out of me. Between the instant movies (most of mine are just TV shows) and the movies they mail out, I may never leave my house again. Or, I may never leave because I'm broke.

I watched 'Michael Clayton' last night. It was good. Really good in fact. But I have a problem following movies where there's no background given when it starts. Sure, they tied up all the pieces at the end but up until that point, I was sorta lost. Even if it had sucked balls, I probably would have finished it anyways. Two words: George. Clooney. What more can you ask for in a movie? Oh, wait. You can ask for this, Leonardo DiCaprio. After 'Inception' I've fallen in love with him all over again. He makes my soul happy (when it isn't being owned by Netflix that is).

Me thinks I have a problem with jeweled shoes. So pretty.

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