Thursday, August 5, 2010

Poor Callie

I wasn't going to be posting anything today or for the rest of the week BUT I had to do this.

So I have 4 dogs. Yeah, I know. Who has 4 dogs? Well, I do. I love them and since I will never had children (that's another story for another time) these giant balls of fur are my babies. There's Abbie (or Mufasa as she's been renamed), Sadie, Maddison and Callie. Callie is the baby and a mommy's girl. I won't go as far as to say she hates Andrew but she doesn't really care for him either. It's kinda cute and one of the things I love most about her. She's all mine and I don't have to share her with anyone.

Well, last night I woke up around 1:30 needing to pee. It was like, if I don't go now, I'm going to wet the bed and then I'd have to take a shower and doing all that, at that time of the night, not really high on my list of priorities. Anywho, so I get up, I can hear some thunder off in the distance and I'm praying it's leaving so I can go back to sleep.

That was not the case.

This storm, if you can even call it that. I like to think of it as God (if you believe in such things) throwing boulders down around my house. I mean, between the thunder and lightening, it was like I was sitting front row, center for the opening of Phantom of the Opera or something. (Side note, go see that if you haven't. It will change your life.) The house and windows were shaking and I didn't need to turn on any lights to see anything. The lightening was doing that for me.

Most nights I sleep alone because Andrew snores and neither one of us can sleep. I can't sleep because he's snoring and he can't sleep because I "beat him up". I'm not really buying that but whatever.

So there I was, back in bed with Callie and Sadie and then all of the sudden, it was like a cannon went off in my room. Poor Callie let out a yelp and scampered from the foot of the bed to right beside me. Picture it like this, it was more me spooning her than anything else. So, I'm laying there. Holding this poor shaking puppy who is scared half to death and then there's another scary boom of thunder. This time laying beside me isn't good enough. This crazy dog crawls up on top of the pillow that I keep over my head (whatever, so I sleep with a pillow over my head. I'm sure you do weird things in your sleep too) and lays on top of my head.

It took me a good ten minutes to get her off of me. I'm surprised I didn't die because breathing....not so easy under a 50 lbs dog and pillow. Needless to say, sleeping was not an option during this storm. I spent the better part of three hours laying with her and trying to calm her down. And of course, once she calms down, I'm wide awake and can't go back to sleep.

Yeah, last night sucked and I'm exhausted. So no shoe today. I'm too tired and this stupid computer at work is too slow. Maybe I'll double up on the shoes next time.

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