Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The best things in life are free....

Guess who's broke?

If you guessed me then please line up for you gold star prize.

This year has been not so fun with the money stuff. And I'm actually not to blame for it this time. Well, I might be but not really. My car, who I've affectionately renamed Dipshit, broke down before I went to New York in March and stayed broken until about a week ago. I think I just needed to reach said dollar amount in order for it to not be broke anymore. That dollar amount, by the way, was over two grand. Yikes is right.

So now I'm having to scrimp and save every penny for this trip to Vegas in October. I can do it and I am doing it but it SUCKS. I need things and can't get them right now. And I actually do need things, this isn't just me saying I "need" when I really want. I, honest to goodness, need some clothes for work. I've also got two bridal showers coming up in the next month, two weddings in October, this trip, new brakes for my car. Like, it's a never ending game of 'what can happen next?'. And I'm ready to throw in the towel and tell the powers that be, that they've won. I quit.

So, my very dear friend (yes, I'm talking to you) hated a pair of Dior shoes I found in Vogue this month. She said I only liked them becaue they're Dior. Not really the case. They were pretty and reminded me of a pair of shoes I already own. So, in honor of that (not that I'm a huge fan of the designer cause I'm usually not) I give you these

Monday, July 19, 2010


Bridezilla. Probably one of the scariest words known to women kind. For me at least. I got married a little over two years ago and I'm pretty sure I was a fairly chill bride. No yelling, no crazy demands. I could have played the whole 'I'm a bride, do what I say' thing but that's not me. I get called a bitch enough, bitchy bride I was not going to be. But I've got this friend and I love her. Really, I do. But she is really getting out of control with all this wedding nonsense. I mean, if I can't make it to your batchelorette party, I'm sorry. I'm in your freaking wedding. I've already shelled out money for the dress, my hair/make up, your present, your bridal shower. Going out of town for your "last weekend as a single lady", two months before you know I'm going on vacation, is not going to happen. Between the twenty texts asking if I got this invite or that invite or did I make the appointment to get my hair done. It makes me want to scream.

But here's the thing that KILLS me about all this. SHE'S ALREADY FREAKIN' MARRIED!! They got married in Vegas (please, kill me with the irony already) and no one knows but myself and two other girls. I sorta get why they did it. He's in the army, he's in Iraq, the benefits they both get now that according to law, they're one with the holy matrimony. Sure, I'm OK with that. But she hasn't told anyone and is STILL having her platinum wedding. No, really. The budget has gotten bigger as the date gets closer. Last time I heard, they were up to $70K. That's $70,000. Do you not understand how much money that is?!? I had a destination wedding. My parents paid for the few from my side, my husbands parents paid for the few from his side. Then we had a big, huge party a few weeks later. Open bar, of course. Both side of the family are Irish. They can put it away like no one else. With all that said and done, we didn't even come close to $10 grand. Not even close. And I did the whole thing. The dress, the hair (twice even! Once for the actual wedding and once for the reception), the food, the flowers, the DJ, all that wedding stuff. I did it. But this chick....God. She wants a wedding, not a marriage.

Please my age should not get married. Honestly. I love my husband, he's a great guy and sure, sometimes I want to punch him in the throat. But I'm 25 years old for Christ's sake. I've been with the guy since I was 18 years old. If I'd known then what I know now, never, ever would I have gotten married. I think there needs to be some rule, or law even, that you can't get married until you're 30. That way you know who you are and what you want in life. Cause, let me tell you, I am not the same person I was when I met him. Hell, I'm not the same person I was last year. Changing and growing and figuring out who you are is part of life. Getting married because you think it's the right thing to do, because all your friends are doing it, makes it a mistake.

Honestly thought, I'm glad I did. I give him (my husband that is) a lot of flack and talk about him to my girlfriends but he's really great.

So I was at the mall this past weekend with an old friend from high school and found a pair of shoes that I NEED in my life. If anyone wants to loan me $200 to get them, I'll make you some cookies or a cake or something. In the meantime, I'll just have to look at these. No, these aren't the same ones but they're pretty all the same. And yes, Alexander McQueen makes my soul happy. Right to the core of my soul.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

So I'm a screw up

So I was just informed that the URL for this blog reads myfriend,thecuteshow. THE CUTE SHOW!! I'm trying really hard not to laugh but I can't help it.

I told you. I'm special ed.

Oh well.

I'm back....sorta

Ok, so I had a blog. No, not this one, a different one. But I'm sorta special ed (I didn't ride the short bus or eat glue if you're wondering) and I can't remember what my log in was for said blog. So I made a new one. A better one if you will. And by better, I mean, I'm going to actually use it and update it. I know, shocker. Didn't mean to rattle your core there but it will happen this time.

I'm in a place. A weird place. Well, I'm actually sitting on my couch right now but mentally I mean. For the last year or so I've had this overwhelming urge to just pack up my stuff and move. Anywhere. Scratch that. New York would be my first choice. I fucking LOVE the city. Honestly, there isn't one thing about it that I don't like. The people, the places, the insane traffic, and this is gross, but even the smell. I think I romanticize about it. I love the city like I love a person. Eh, I'm weird, I know. I just went a few months ago with my BFF and had the BEST time. Met up with some very special people to me, celebrated a birthday for one of these very special people, took in some sights I hadn't yet seen. In short, I did the whole shebang. And couldn't get enough of it. I mean, look at it.

How could you not feel something when you see that? I know this is totally cliche, but that saying, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, is true. I could be completely wrong (I'm admitting it) but I think you can really find yourself in a city like that. It would force you to grow up and do things that you wouldn't do if you were from, oh say a small town in the middle of North Carolina.

So if I even win the lotto or something crazy like that, you know what my plans will be. Pack up and move to the city that never sleeps.

In closing (how ever proper of me) I think I'll end each posting with a photo of a cute shoe. Seeing as how I love shoes like I love New York.