Yeah, I thought so. I'm volunteering at the NC Museum of History and this woman, dude. She's like a super know-it-all. She seems nice enough, and by that I mean I've only said a handful of words to her. But anyways, I don't really have anything to say other than that. There really was no point but I was there last night and she was there and it was fresh on the brain this morning.
So, last Friday. It went down. It was C's bachelorette party (you like how I'm not naming people? haha). And this is the same girl that's been all crazy bride girl and the one that I had to bail outta jail for DUI, blah blah blah (that's a whole other story for a day when I feel I wanna write you a novel. Today is not that day). I was only going because my hetro life mate, L, was gonna be there. And to my surprise, my oldest friend Special K. We met at the hotel, pregamed, walked a few blocks to dinner, they drank some more. Then took a cab to the bar/club thing where it really got poppin'. (Don't ask why I'm talking all weird cause I don't really know) I lost count of shots after 4 and two beers (not counting what we had at the hotel), so it's safe to say the bride to be was more than a little toasted. After shaking her ass both on the piano and the stage, we moved to the back part of the bar (also known as 'da club') where she could really get down with her funky self.
It looked a little bit like this, only with a few more clothes on. A FEW. Like, shoes.

I was having fun at this point. Until Special K left. Then A and D left right around midnight. Leaving myself and L with just the bride and her sister. Bad plan people.
I had been super sick all week and had to be up early for a class at the museum but that does not matter to a princess bride. She sorta went psycho, stabby girl and screamed at us in the bar and then outside on the sidewalk. No, no. You don't understand. She SCREAMED at us. It's her 'god damn wedding' and 'how many fucking times does she get married?'.
......She's already married!!! But we've talked about that already.
I'm gonna shorten this long story by saying, finally got drunky drunk in the car after 2 am. It looked like this, only in a bed and a little more classy

Once I dropped both her and her sister off at the hotel and I drove my happy ass home to get four hours of sleep. At the time, it was not so fun but the next day, once I had time to reflect, I had a good time. I know, I'm just as shocked as you are. She was on her bestish behavior and didn't act like a diva bitch until the end of the night. And I use the term bitch with complete love.
I may or may not post some pictures from that night. I haven't made up my mind yet since there's incriminating evidence on there.
*huge sigh* So, now that that's done and over with. I've got nothing going on until the wedding next month and then VEGAS!! Can I get a hell yeah?!? I'm stoked! I paid S back all the money I owe her for the concert tickets and the hotel. I'm free from the weight of debt for this trip and can just enjoy the painful wait for the next 33 days until this vacation starts.
It's almost my favorite time of the year for fashion. FALL!! I love all the sweaters, the jackets, the pants, the SHOOOOEEEESS!! More specific, the boots. I die for boots! DIE! I buy more boots than I know what to do with. But I get my money out of them. It's shame I'm going to have to buy new clothes to wear my current boots with this fall. New job means no jeans at work so I gotta figure something out. But hey, maybe new clothes mean new shoes! See, there's always a silver lining.
And Brian Atwood is the new love of my life. Since I've got a birthday coming up, I'm going to need these.

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