Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vegas is The Business

1 - Vegas is the new love of my life.

2 - Justin Timberlake can be the king of the world. He's got my vote.

3 - I can check seeing Elton John off my bucket list. Twice because he sang 'Tiny Dancer'.

4 - A 10 minute rendition of 'Rocket Man' is NEVER bad. Ever.

5 - I misjudged dancing in a club. It's more fun than I thought.

6 - Airports can supply hours of endless fun if you're not the walking dead. Also, sleeping on an airport floor only looks fun. It's not ACTUALLY fun.

7 - Chocolate cake can be a most tasty dinner.

8 - Never trust the semi cute guy who swears he 'just walked Diddy to the after party'.

9 - The girls from out of town look more like hookers than the hookers do.

10 - I can't wait to go back.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Wedding

As I'm sitting here listening to 'Speak Now' by Taylor Swift I'm in the mood to talk about this past weekend. I think.

C had her wedding and I know I did a TON of bitching about it but I honestly had a great fucking time! I was really worried about having to spend time with people I don't know because I'm super shy and feel way too insecure about myself when I get around new people. And C has these friends from college or her high school or something that while I've hung out with them a few time, I always feel.....I don't wanna say beneath them or whatever but I don't feel like I gel with them. They were there at the bachelorette party and it seemed much better than it had in previous hanging outs that we had. In fact, I dare say we had FUN together.

Apparently, we're all life long friends now. I really had like, the best time at a wedding. Apart from mine. I danced, I sang, I ate, I laughed. It was awesome.

It's not to say we were without drama because there was drama. This is C we're talking about. I tried to stay as far away from it as I could because I just can't handle it. And it would have pissed me off since I could have been at a wedding with my family in West Virginia. But by Friday, the Bitch was gone and C was just filled with nerves so she was in her own little world and didn't really speak to many people.

Fine by me.

It was the perfect day for a wedding. Sunny and warm during the day but I was fucking freezing at night. My poor little toes were frozen and blue. Ok, so I exaggerate but honestly, it was so damn cold.

Now if you know me, I'm known as the grandma of the group. I'm always in bed early and that's cool. I don't mind. Sleep and me are great friends. But I last longer than some other people *cough Lori/Kala cough* And the only reason Andrew and I left was because there was some drama at his dad's house so whatever. I made it to almost midnight and the party was winding down anyways.

Before I throw up some of the pictures, my only question is how do you do the Dougie? I really, really wanna fucking know!!

Ok, I just realized that some of the pictures are sideways but guess what, I'm too fucking lazy to change it. Get over it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ten things about me:

1 - I have never seen 'It's a Wonderful Life' in full. Ever. In fact, the only thing I remember is 'every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings'. And I don't know if I remember that from the movie or just because it's THE quote from the movie.

2 - Some of my closest friends are people I met online. (And no, mom, they are not killers or gang bangers. Which worked out well for me when I went to visit them).

3 - I am a food-tard. Basically I eat crap food all the time. I pretty much live off of grilled cheese, poptarts, cereal, peanut butter, cookies and cake. Honestly. The last time I attempted to eat a cheeseburger, I gagged and spit it out.

4 - I'm struggling to read 'The sun also rises'. It's honestly kicking my ass right now. And I'm not a quitter with books. I start it, I'm going to finish it, one day or another. Which probably explains why I've got at least 7 books with bookmarks in them floating around my house.

5 - I was a virgin til I got married. Too bad if this falls under TMI. It's true. Funny little story about this, after the wedding, the group of us (it was a super small wedding. Like, there was a total of 13 people when you count the family members and the wedding party) were hanging by and in the pool at the hotel we were staying at and my now husband turns to my father and yells 'How does it feel knowing tonight I'm gonna fuck your daughter?' Yeah. I'm still married to him.

6 - Sticking with the wedding theme, my grandmother whom I'm closest to, died 2 days before my wedding in a car wreck. 12 hours before she was supposed to leave for the wedding.

7 - I honestly believe that my sister is a better person that I am. Even if she is a huge pain in my ass sometimes.

8 - I am in the process of working on my Bucket List. That includes visiting all of Europe and Jerusalem.

9 - I used to be a big liar. About anything and everything. Just cause I could. However, I no longer lie. It's too hard to keep a story straight.

10 - I'm in a constant state of change and fear that I may never really become the person I think I want to be.