Yeah, so I totally suck at this. I've fallen in love with Tumblr and have been unable to tear myself away to do much of anything useful with my life. I wanted to give this long and detailed account of what's going on but I'm at know, blogging at work to pass the time.... so I'm not sure how detailed I'll get.
I've got a friend who's really going through some rough stuff right now and while I feel badly for her, I've got all these mixed emotions about it. Sure, it's awful and my heart hurts for her but at the same time.....a lot of the things she's going through she brought upon herself (in some way or another). The thing that's REALLY bothering me about it is that she says she's trying to be better and stop self destructing her world but her actions are saying the exact opposite. It would make me so mad if I wasn't worried she'd actually harm herself (again). If you spend 8-10 days in the hospital for overdose on pills while you're drunk, I don't think your first weekend home you should be out getting drunk cause you're "26 years old and can do whatever the fuck you want". I'm just saying. After spending Friday night watching her drink herself into a stupid mess I thought maybe she doesn't actually care. That makes me wonder how a person can actually feel that way. Like, there's no point to anything. Sure, everyone has their extra shitty days. I know I have but I can't think of one single day where there wasn't SOMETHING worth caring about.
With that said, I don't know if anyone actually knows this but there was a time in high school where, at the time, I felt the same way and took a nail filer, one of the ones with a pointed tip, and "tried" to slit my wrists. Looking back, even a short time after I did that, it was more for the attention then to actually hurt myself. I was feeling left out and know? The typical teenage drama. I think a lot of people who hurt themselves do it for attention. But with that said, this friend.....she's an attention hog and as my sister would say, she's always the "bride". Every conversation comes back to her, no matter what we're talking about. It's always about her drama, her issues, her stories. It's safe to say she's the most selfish person I know......and that's big coming from me, another completely selfish person. But I know when to say when. I've learned over the years that the world, must to my surprise, does not in fact revolve around me and I've come to terms with it. Like they say, sharing is caring.
So after the mess of Friday night and hearing what she's had going on, I was more than alarmed and messaged her sister about it. I try really hard to stay out of people's family business but in this case, what with all the red flags, I felt (and still do) that would be a bad idea on my part. Her sister asked me to call her mother and blah, blah,'s bad. My friend has cut ties with everyone that cares about her and loves her and is running as fast as she can down this path of all that is bad. I tried to talk to her Friday night about it but this brick wall came up and she shut down. There is no reasoning with her and I honestly don't think it'll get better until it get worse.
This leaves me feeling useless as a friend and a person. But I just have to keep reminding myself that you can only do so much for a person that isn't ready to accept the facts. I can only be there when she falls and hope that it's not too late.
SO, now that I'm done being as deep and thoughtful as I can today I'll carry on with other news. Um, I passed all my classes last semester (YAAAAAYYY) and I already know what I want to take for the fall, providing they don't fill up. I'm praying they don't cause I'm totally excited about them and think it'll be a fun semester for it falls out the way I've planned it.
Other than that, nothing really earth shaking has happened. OH! I LIED! My sister's officially coming home for good next week. Just in time for Taylor Swift (hate all you want but I love that tiny little blonde girl). I'm so excited for her to be back and I'm hoping all will return to normal as we've had a rough couple of months.
Also, I'm going to marry Keira Knightley. True story. I'm hopelessly in love with her and worship the ground she walks on.
That is all.
My friend, the cute shoe
I love shoes. No, really. I LOVE them. In a sick and almost borderline obsessed way. They make me happy. So this is my version of my friend and love, the cute shoe.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
And then it was today
Just some random musings:
1- Dropped a TON of money in the last three weeks. My school refund came in (hello new shoes!) so it was time to be all grown up. New shed, lawn mower, power washer (really, husband, really? A power washer??), more off the wall stuff for the house, new bookcases, new desk. Do you ever have buyers remorse even though you KNOW you have more than enough money to buy shit? Cause I totally do.
2 - Had my first trip ever to Ikea. It did not disappoint. I kind of want to live there forever.
3 - You know how when someone mentions something and that's all you can think about at the most inopportune times? Welcome to my every morning and night since last Friday. The dad and I were driving home from Ikea, (which, by the way, is three hours away! Come on, North Carolina, build an Ikea in Raleigh already) listening to The Beatles and 'Helter Skelter' came on and he goes "Damn that Charles Manson was a crazy fuck." Then proceeded to tell me all about the movie, after I repeatedly told him I knew enough to scare me and it would do his health well if he would stop. But he did not. The dad informed me that in the court cases, they would say "Charlie's watching you" all creepy like and then continued to randomly whisper that the rest of the night. In the dark. Needless to say, every time one of my dogs gets all tied up under the porch and I need to untangle them, in the dark, all I can hear is some freak whispering "Charlie's watching you...." over and over in my head until I free the dog and haul ass inside and lock the door. Yes, I am aware I have issues.
4 - School is kicking my asssssssss! I honestly didn't expect it to be this much work and I'm exhausted ALL.THE.TIME. I have no free time to myself and the little bit I do end up finding is spent sleeping. Or watching the endless hours of DVR. OR my newest obsession, Being Human. Again, the British version, not the US remake.
And lastly, Elizabeth Taylor passed away early this morning and I got to thinking. I miss the days when movie stars were MOVIE STARS. We have very few in this generation. I know many people will disagree with me but Clooney, Leo, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett and a handful of others are people I consider MOVIE STARS. The rest are just.....there. You know? I like Jake Gyllenhaal and all but he's not in their league.
What happened to the likes of Redford, Brando, Olivia de Havilland, Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier, James Dean....I could go on and on but won't. I just.... I wish it was like that today.
1- Dropped a TON of money in the last three weeks. My school refund came in (hello new shoes!) so it was time to be all grown up. New shed, lawn mower, power washer (really, husband, really? A power washer??), more off the wall stuff for the house, new bookcases, new desk. Do you ever have buyers remorse even though you KNOW you have more than enough money to buy shit? Cause I totally do.
2 - Had my first trip ever to Ikea. It did not disappoint. I kind of want to live there forever.
3 - You know how when someone mentions something and that's all you can think about at the most inopportune times? Welcome to my every morning and night since last Friday. The dad and I were driving home from Ikea, (which, by the way, is three hours away! Come on, North Carolina, build an Ikea in Raleigh already) listening to The Beatles and 'Helter Skelter' came on and he goes "Damn that Charles Manson was a crazy fuck." Then proceeded to tell me all about the movie, after I repeatedly told him I knew enough to scare me and it would do his health well if he would stop. But he did not. The dad informed me that in the court cases, they would say "Charlie's watching you" all creepy like and then continued to randomly whisper that the rest of the night. In the dark. Needless to say, every time one of my dogs gets all tied up under the porch and I need to untangle them, in the dark, all I can hear is some freak whispering "Charlie's watching you...." over and over in my head until I free the dog and haul ass inside and lock the door. Yes, I am aware I have issues.
4 - School is kicking my asssssssss! I honestly didn't expect it to be this much work and I'm exhausted ALL.THE.TIME. I have no free time to myself and the little bit I do end up finding is spent sleeping. Or watching the endless hours of DVR. OR my newest obsession, Being Human. Again, the British version, not the US remake.
And lastly, Elizabeth Taylor passed away early this morning and I got to thinking. I miss the days when movie stars were MOVIE STARS. We have very few in this generation. I know many people will disagree with me but Clooney, Leo, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett and a handful of others are people I consider MOVIE STARS. The rest are just.....there. You know? I like Jake Gyllenhaal and all but he's not in their league.
What happened to the likes of Redford, Brando, Olivia de Havilland, Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier, James Dean....I could go on and on but won't. I just.... I wish it was like that today.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Nightmare before Christmas (a true story)
This is a true story. No names or places or facts have been changed, although they probably should be to protect the innocent but let's face it, I'm writing a blog. There are few things I won't share.
It starts many years ago, back when I was a young girl of 10. I was young and ambitious and destined to be a star. My thoughts were consumed with visions of dresses and cameras and Oscars. Twenty-four hours a day. So I did what any young girl would do, I signed up for all the things my elementary school had to offer.
Soon I was taking part in everything from the chorus productions to helping out at parent-teacher conference night to the ever elusive, school plays. I LIVED for these plays. We did musicals and comedies and plays made up by the students involved in the drama classes. I had never felt more at home. Just standing there, front and center, with a bright light on only me. It was what I imagined Heave would be like.
And then it was announced we would have a Christmas musical that we'd put on three times. Twice for other students and once for all parents right before Christmas break. This was my chance to really step up and show everyone what I was born to do. Then the audition process began. What started as a group of 15-20 girls twiddled down to five, then to three, and finally it was between myself and another girl.
Some snotty blonde girl who had perfectly curled hair that was held back with a big bow that matched her outfit every day. The kind of girl that I'm sure grew up to be some sort of Victoria's Secret model with the drive of Rachel Berry (from Glee, duh), only a few notches down on the annoying meter. This girl and I had fought it out for every role to date and it was pretty even til this point. However, with this being the Big Christmas Play, I was not about to let this girl take MY role.
Final auditions where held in our individual chorus classes but Curly Sue and I were in the same class. I'm pretty sure you could feel the tension between us when you walked into that classroom. I took my seat in the back row of the risers (I did have a nice height advantage over her, ha) and shot daggers in the back of her head while the teacher called roll. After roll call and a few announcements, it was FINALLY time to get started. Curly Sue went first and I gotta tell you, she was good. Damn good. She got all her lines right, hit the right notes and smiled through the whole damn thing. And to top it all off, her minions applauded for her when she was done. To say I was worried would have been the understatement of my life (at that point, anyways).
"Meaghan." My teacher called. I swallowed, wiped my clammy hands on my jean skirt and made my way down the riser staircase.
"When you're ready."
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and opened my mouth.
It was like I was possessed by Julie Andrews or something. I sang perfectly, I was animated and funny, I moved around the front of the room and interacted with other students. I was on fire. There was nothing standing in my way.
Two days later, the role was handed to me along with my script. Not only did I get cast as the lead female part, I was the first to be on stage, the first speaking lines and I had a solo. Life couldn't have been better. I could see the Oscar in my hands.
The first to productions for the rest of the school were flawless. I was untouchable. I WAS the play. The crowd loved me and I loved them. All was right in the world. As great as it was performing in front of the student body, I was dying for parents night.
(side note: at this point of my life, my father was working in North Carolina while my mother, sister and myself were still living in Florida.)
The days leading up to the play, my mom was so excited to videotape the show for my dad to see when he got home the following week. We had it all planned out where she would stand and the cute little wave I would do to let her know that I saw her. Even my grandparents were going to be there!
Showtime comes around, I've got my costume on, my hair looks great, a little bit of make up (come on now, I was 10! A little blush never hurt anyone), my shiny black shoes bounced the light off of them. This was my moment.
I'm standing behind the curtain, the stage lights are off and I'm counting down. Five, the auditorium lights turn off, four, the parents and family members start clapping, three, the curtain opens up, two, I take a deep breath, one, the spotlight hits me.
I delivered my lines like my life depended on it. It was everything I had hoped it would be. (I guess I should say, the premise of the play was a group of kids who are starved for Christmas and wanted more than anything for it to come. The stage was bare with just the chorus risers and it was our job, the actors, to decorate the stage. We had a tree with lights and presents and wreaths and garland to hang all while singing 'We need a little Christmas'. It was my job to hang the garland across the edge of the stage. This required me coming OFF the stage and INTO the audience to do so. It was everything I asked for, to be front and center with my adoring fans).
So the song breaks out and I hurry from backstage to the floor, grab the garland and start to string it along. I'm singing and dancing and being the very best Julie Andrews I could be. Hell, I'm pretty sure I thought I was her.
Until I got to the next to last rung. There was maybe a foot of garland left to hang, right at the middle of the stage and no rung to be found. I searched frantically for it, all while singing and keeping my happy face on but inside, inside I was screaming for help. I looked everywhere for that rung but couldn't find it and had no choice but to leave it hanging there. Like a limp piece of sparkling string. I held back tears as I walked past the people in the front row, praying no one would notice (it was hard not to. It was gold garland that shone in the lights). It was just as I got to the end of the row did I notice a group of fellow students who were sitting with their parents.
Pointing and laughing. At me. Because I was the only person on stage to managed to fail their assigned decorating task.
For the remainder of the play, I stayed hidden and didn't even give half of what I had been giving before the garland disaster. I was mortified but pushed through. By the end of the show, I was feeling better and had almost forgotten about the whole, terrible thing until my final bow.
Those boys from the front row were now standing in front of the stage, mimicking my vain attempt to find the rung. And laughing.
To this day, I have an annihilating and crippling fear of stage fright and public speaking.
It starts many years ago, back when I was a young girl of 10. I was young and ambitious and destined to be a star. My thoughts were consumed with visions of dresses and cameras and Oscars. Twenty-four hours a day. So I did what any young girl would do, I signed up for all the things my elementary school had to offer.
Soon I was taking part in everything from the chorus productions to helping out at parent-teacher conference night to the ever elusive, school plays. I LIVED for these plays. We did musicals and comedies and plays made up by the students involved in the drama classes. I had never felt more at home. Just standing there, front and center, with a bright light on only me. It was what I imagined Heave would be like.
And then it was announced we would have a Christmas musical that we'd put on three times. Twice for other students and once for all parents right before Christmas break. This was my chance to really step up and show everyone what I was born to do. Then the audition process began. What started as a group of 15-20 girls twiddled down to five, then to three, and finally it was between myself and another girl.
Some snotty blonde girl who had perfectly curled hair that was held back with a big bow that matched her outfit every day. The kind of girl that I'm sure grew up to be some sort of Victoria's Secret model with the drive of Rachel Berry (from Glee, duh), only a few notches down on the annoying meter. This girl and I had fought it out for every role to date and it was pretty even til this point. However, with this being the Big Christmas Play, I was not about to let this girl take MY role.
Final auditions where held in our individual chorus classes but Curly Sue and I were in the same class. I'm pretty sure you could feel the tension between us when you walked into that classroom. I took my seat in the back row of the risers (I did have a nice height advantage over her, ha) and shot daggers in the back of her head while the teacher called roll. After roll call and a few announcements, it was FINALLY time to get started. Curly Sue went first and I gotta tell you, she was good. Damn good. She got all her lines right, hit the right notes and smiled through the whole damn thing. And to top it all off, her minions applauded for her when she was done. To say I was worried would have been the understatement of my life (at that point, anyways).
"Meaghan." My teacher called. I swallowed, wiped my clammy hands on my jean skirt and made my way down the riser staircase.
"When you're ready."
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and opened my mouth.
It was like I was possessed by Julie Andrews or something. I sang perfectly, I was animated and funny, I moved around the front of the room and interacted with other students. I was on fire. There was nothing standing in my way.
Two days later, the role was handed to me along with my script. Not only did I get cast as the lead female part, I was the first to be on stage, the first speaking lines and I had a solo. Life couldn't have been better. I could see the Oscar in my hands.
The first to productions for the rest of the school were flawless. I was untouchable. I WAS the play. The crowd loved me and I loved them. All was right in the world. As great as it was performing in front of the student body, I was dying for parents night.
(side note: at this point of my life, my father was working in North Carolina while my mother, sister and myself were still living in Florida.)
The days leading up to the play, my mom was so excited to videotape the show for my dad to see when he got home the following week. We had it all planned out where she would stand and the cute little wave I would do to let her know that I saw her. Even my grandparents were going to be there!
Showtime comes around, I've got my costume on, my hair looks great, a little bit of make up (come on now, I was 10! A little blush never hurt anyone), my shiny black shoes bounced the light off of them. This was my moment.
I'm standing behind the curtain, the stage lights are off and I'm counting down. Five, the auditorium lights turn off, four, the parents and family members start clapping, three, the curtain opens up, two, I take a deep breath, one, the spotlight hits me.
I delivered my lines like my life depended on it. It was everything I had hoped it would be. (I guess I should say, the premise of the play was a group of kids who are starved for Christmas and wanted more than anything for it to come. The stage was bare with just the chorus risers and it was our job, the actors, to decorate the stage. We had a tree with lights and presents and wreaths and garland to hang all while singing 'We need a little Christmas'. It was my job to hang the garland across the edge of the stage. This required me coming OFF the stage and INTO the audience to do so. It was everything I asked for, to be front and center with my adoring fans).
So the song breaks out and I hurry from backstage to the floor, grab the garland and start to string it along. I'm singing and dancing and being the very best Julie Andrews I could be. Hell, I'm pretty sure I thought I was her.
Until I got to the next to last rung. There was maybe a foot of garland left to hang, right at the middle of the stage and no rung to be found. I searched frantically for it, all while singing and keeping my happy face on but inside, inside I was screaming for help. I looked everywhere for that rung but couldn't find it and had no choice but to leave it hanging there. Like a limp piece of sparkling string. I held back tears as I walked past the people in the front row, praying no one would notice (it was hard not to. It was gold garland that shone in the lights). It was just as I got to the end of the row did I notice a group of fellow students who were sitting with their parents.
Pointing and laughing. At me. Because I was the only person on stage to managed to fail their assigned decorating task.
For the remainder of the play, I stayed hidden and didn't even give half of what I had been giving before the garland disaster. I was mortified but pushed through. By the end of the show, I was feeling better and had almost forgotten about the whole, terrible thing until my final bow.
Those boys from the front row were now standing in front of the stage, mimicking my vain attempt to find the rung. And laughing.
To this day, I have an annihilating and crippling fear of stage fright and public speaking.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
World rockin'
I'm sitting here watching 'Sex & the City', the TV show, not the movie(s). I've been feeling crappy all day which equates to me laying around doing nothing but surfing the web (do people still say that?) and pretending to do homework.
I've recently stumbled across a Tumblr that I sorta love and while I'm still figuring out Tumblr, this one I really like. Mostly because I think the girl is based in the UK so it's all sorts of pretty British boys and women. She did a post (or posts.....fucking Tumblr) about 20 things that, quote, rocked her world in 2010. I've had way too much happen last year to come up with 20 things so I'll just see how many I can come up with before I feel too tired/lazy/sick to keep going.
1 - Old movies. My very lovely friend, S, has gotten me into old movies in a big way. She's forced me (many times by bribe) to watch certain things and I'm so glad she did. A few you need to watch are Casablanca, Rebecca, East of Eden, Splendor in the grass, Rebel without a cause, Cat on a hot tin roof, The Heiress, The snake pit, Sunset Boulevard, and A place in the sun. There's probably several that I'm leaving out but, I'm telling you, I watched a ton of movies last year.
2 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That's all you need to know.
3 - Las Vegas. See previous post entitled 'The Business'.
4 - Skins. Again, see previous post.
5 - Florence and the Machine. You must get the album. But only if you want to know what amazing sounds like.
6 - Sarah Bareilles. With lyrics like 'Jump start my kaleidoscope heart, love to watch the colors fade. They may not make sense, but they sure as hell made me' and songs like 'City' she's become one of my all time favorite singer/song writers. Ever.
7 - Glee. Enough said.
8 - Spring Awakening. Now I've always loved the theater, mostly musical theater. With my obsession for Glee, I did some research on Lea Michele, I learned that she was in a played called Spring Awakening and after listening to the songs and watching videos on YouTube, I fell in love. You must check it out. Wonderful songs with a beautiful and heartbreaking story.
9 - Wicked. I'm really late to the Wicked scene but the hetro life mate bought me a ticket to go see it with her and it was truly an amazing and wonderful show. I laughed, I cried (yes, I cried. Sue me), I yelled. It's a must see for everyone.
10 - Reading. Well, actually I'm not sure if that's one for the list but like movies, I've always been a reader but I sorta went crazy at Barnes and Noble. Usually I spend most of my money on shoes and clothes but I think most of my money this year was spent on books. And plane tickets but that's neither here nor there.
And I'm done. I swear I will get around to my holiday post but the thing is, the camera is in the other room and I'm too lazy and Sex & the City is still on. So..... you know. That's the way it goes.
I've recently stumbled across a Tumblr that I sorta love and while I'm still figuring out Tumblr, this one I really like. Mostly because I think the girl is based in the UK so it's all sorts of pretty British boys and women. She did a post (or posts.....fucking Tumblr) about 20 things that, quote, rocked her world in 2010. I've had way too much happen last year to come up with 20 things so I'll just see how many I can come up with before I feel too tired/lazy/sick to keep going.
1 - Old movies. My very lovely friend, S, has gotten me into old movies in a big way. She's forced me (many times by bribe) to watch certain things and I'm so glad she did. A few you need to watch are Casablanca, Rebecca, East of Eden, Splendor in the grass, Rebel without a cause, Cat on a hot tin roof, The Heiress, The snake pit, Sunset Boulevard, and A place in the sun. There's probably several that I'm leaving out but, I'm telling you, I watched a ton of movies last year.
2 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That's all you need to know.
3 - Las Vegas. See previous post entitled 'The Business'.
4 - Skins. Again, see previous post.
5 - Florence and the Machine. You must get the album. But only if you want to know what amazing sounds like.
6 - Sarah Bareilles. With lyrics like 'Jump start my kaleidoscope heart, love to watch the colors fade. They may not make sense, but they sure as hell made me' and songs like 'City' she's become one of my all time favorite singer/song writers. Ever.
7 - Glee. Enough said.
8 - Spring Awakening. Now I've always loved the theater, mostly musical theater. With my obsession for Glee, I did some research on Lea Michele, I learned that she was in a played called Spring Awakening and after listening to the songs and watching videos on YouTube, I fell in love. You must check it out. Wonderful songs with a beautiful and heartbreaking story.
9 - Wicked. I'm really late to the Wicked scene but the hetro life mate bought me a ticket to go see it with her and it was truly an amazing and wonderful show. I laughed, I cried (yes, I cried. Sue me), I yelled. It's a must see for everyone.
10 - Reading. Well, actually I'm not sure if that's one for the list but like movies, I've always been a reader but I sorta went crazy at Barnes and Noble. Usually I spend most of my money on shoes and clothes but I think most of my money this year was spent on books. And plane tickets but that's neither here nor there.
And I'm done. I swear I will get around to my holiday post but the thing is, the camera is in the other room and I'm too lazy and Sex & the City is still on. So..... you know. That's the way it goes.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Deuces America!
I've decided I'm going to say good bye to the good old US of A and make the move across the giant pond to the UK. London, I think.
There's something about the culture of that place that calls my name. The history, the music, the art, the fashion..........and let's be honest, the boys with accents.
It will happen.
There's something about the culture of that place that calls my name. The history, the music, the art, the fashion..........and let's be honest, the boys with accents.
It will happen.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
TV Time
I AM going do a write up about the holidays and the sisters visit however I'm at work and don't really have the time to do that now. Also, there are pictures to post and I don't have them with me here.
In hell. Otherwise known as work.
This is just a little something that made me giggle and thought I'd share.
My husband, God bless him, does not watch a lot of TV. Basically I forced him into watching 'Glee' (because, you know, the world stops for 'Glee' and 'American Idol' so he lost control of the remote) and 'Friday Night Lights'. Mostly because it's a football show and he thinks the females are hot. And they are but that's not really the point.
Well, with my obsession with 'Skins', I've pretty much been watching that for the last few weeks which means any time he looks at the TV, it's on. I guess something about it made him want to watch it (again, I'm gonna go with the guess of hot girls being the reason). Now, I've seen every episode and he hasn't not so this is how we watch it:
him: This is stupid.
me: Shut up.
him: Wait, what'd he say?
me: Shhhh
him: What the fuck?!? I thought she was doing that other guy?
me: Just watch.
him: What'd he say? I can't understand her.
me: *I repeat what whatever character said*
him: JJ's going to win. Right? JJ wins the race?
me: Shut up and watch.
him: She's got the most perfect ass.
me: *agrees* (because let's face it, I have a girl crush on Kaya Scodelario)
him: This is so stupid.
me: *rolls eyes*
him: What'd the fuck is she saying? Fucking english accents.
me: *ignores and pets Callie*
him: Why am I still watching this? I better get laid for this shit.
And there you have a typical night at home with me and the husband.
In hell. Otherwise known as work.
This is just a little something that made me giggle and thought I'd share.
My husband, God bless him, does not watch a lot of TV. Basically I forced him into watching 'Glee' (because, you know, the world stops for 'Glee' and 'American Idol' so he lost control of the remote) and 'Friday Night Lights'. Mostly because it's a football show and he thinks the females are hot. And they are but that's not really the point.
Well, with my obsession with 'Skins', I've pretty much been watching that for the last few weeks which means any time he looks at the TV, it's on. I guess something about it made him want to watch it (again, I'm gonna go with the guess of hot girls being the reason). Now, I've seen every episode and he hasn't not so this is how we watch it:
him: This is stupid.
me: Shut up.
him: Wait, what'd he say?
me: Shhhh
him: What the fuck?!? I thought she was doing that other guy?
me: Just watch.
him: What'd he say? I can't understand her.
me: *I repeat what whatever character said*
him: JJ's going to win. Right? JJ wins the race?
me: Shut up and watch.
him: She's got the most perfect ass.
me: *agrees* (because let's face it, I have a girl crush on Kaya Scodelario)
him: This is so stupid.
me: *rolls eyes*
him: What'd the fuck is she saying? Fucking english accents.
me: *ignores and pets Callie*
him: Why am I still watching this? I better get laid for this shit.
And there you have a typical night at home with me and the husband.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Random thoughts
You know that one person in high school that was your ultimate BFF? The one you thought you'd be friends with literally, forever and ever? I had one of those and to this day, I honestly thought we'd be that close forever. But like many friendships, it ended shortly after graduation.
There was no fight, no major blow up, it was more like a quick moving glacier. I started dating the boyfriend that would later become the husband and it was time for a grown up relationship. And by that I mean, whenever she or I had a boyfriend and went on "dates" (cause really? No one actually dates in high school) we'd go as a threesome. Not the dirty kind either. So I started dating the boy and we just sorta drifted apart. I made several attempts to keep in touch with her and stay friends but she got mixed up with a group of people that weren't really what my mother would call "good kids" and that was the end of that.
I did run into her a few years ago, right about the time I got engaged and told her I really wanted her to be there. It wouldn't have been right if she wasn't there. Needless to say, that didn't happen. In fact, I haven't actually seen her since that day. But thanks to Facebook she's back. I got a message asking if we could get together and catch up. Part of me wants to but the other part of me is still bitter and just doesn't really care. I made all sorts of efforts and she didn't give a shit so why should I care?
I don't know. Maybe I should just do it and get it over with. Or maybe I'm just being over dramatic about the whole stupid thing. We'll see.
As I'm sitting here, listening to the Spice Girls (yes, I'm really listening to them). I can't help but be super excited for my sister to come home! I feel it'll be a Christmas like one from back in the day. When we were younger, our Christmas days were spent playing video games (Donkey Kong or Mario Kart) listening to Spice Girls or Jewel. And with the new Mario AND Donkey Kong games out this year I'm sure it'll be like that all over again.
And I ain't mad at it.
Also, I'm completely in love with these shoes. In fact, I almost bought them the other day but passed. I needed black pumps more than another pair of brown ones.

Speaking of being in love.(I don't know if Nikole reads this but this is where you can stop hahaha) I recently started watching 'Skins'. No, not the shitty MTV remake. The original version. So fucking good. It's sorta taken over my life and if I didn't love it so much, I'd be embarrassed to admit it but damn it, I love it and I'm not afraid to tell you. It's about a group of teenagers in Bristol who drink and smoke and do drugs and a ton of sex. Actually, I'm not sure if it's a TON of sex seeing as how that's what all the young kids are doing these days. Either way, the change up the cast every two years and........ugh. It's just so good. I loved the first two seasons with Sid and Cassie. That storyline, I just ate it up. But then season three started.
I'm telling you, from the first second I saw this kid, I fell in love. His name is Luke Pasqualino and I'm going to need someone to put him under my Christmas tree this year. Clothes are optional. Adding to the beautiful that he already is, the chemistry between him and Kaya Scodelario. OH MY FUCKING GOD! Any scene with the two of them, it's completely electric.
It's like watching Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman or Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh or for all your weird people who don't watch old movies James McAvoy and Keria Knightley. If you have no clue what I'm talking about you need to watch 'Casablanca', 'Gone with the Wind' or 'Atonement'. Once you do that, get back to me. You can feel it between these couples. That's not something you can fake.
With that said, I'd like to add Luke to my husband list. See, he's pretty.

And because I couldn't pick just one pretty.
There was no fight, no major blow up, it was more like a quick moving glacier. I started dating the boyfriend that would later become the husband and it was time for a grown up relationship. And by that I mean, whenever she or I had a boyfriend and went on "dates" (cause really? No one actually dates in high school) we'd go as a threesome. Not the dirty kind either. So I started dating the boy and we just sorta drifted apart. I made several attempts to keep in touch with her and stay friends but she got mixed up with a group of people that weren't really what my mother would call "good kids" and that was the end of that.
I did run into her a few years ago, right about the time I got engaged and told her I really wanted her to be there. It wouldn't have been right if she wasn't there. Needless to say, that didn't happen. In fact, I haven't actually seen her since that day. But thanks to Facebook she's back. I got a message asking if we could get together and catch up. Part of me wants to but the other part of me is still bitter and just doesn't really care. I made all sorts of efforts and she didn't give a shit so why should I care?
I don't know. Maybe I should just do it and get it over with. Or maybe I'm just being over dramatic about the whole stupid thing. We'll see.
As I'm sitting here, listening to the Spice Girls (yes, I'm really listening to them). I can't help but be super excited for my sister to come home! I feel it'll be a Christmas like one from back in the day. When we were younger, our Christmas days were spent playing video games (Donkey Kong or Mario Kart) listening to Spice Girls or Jewel. And with the new Mario AND Donkey Kong games out this year I'm sure it'll be like that all over again.
And I ain't mad at it.
Also, I'm completely in love with these shoes. In fact, I almost bought them the other day but passed. I needed black pumps more than another pair of brown ones.

Speaking of being in love.(I don't know if Nikole reads this but this is where you can stop hahaha) I recently started watching 'Skins'. No, not the shitty MTV remake. The original version. So fucking good. It's sorta taken over my life and if I didn't love it so much, I'd be embarrassed to admit it but damn it, I love it and I'm not afraid to tell you. It's about a group of teenagers in Bristol who drink and smoke and do drugs and a ton of sex. Actually, I'm not sure if it's a TON of sex seeing as how that's what all the young kids are doing these days. Either way, the change up the cast every two years and........ugh. It's just so good. I loved the first two seasons with Sid and Cassie. That storyline, I just ate it up. But then season three started.
I'm telling you, from the first second I saw this kid, I fell in love. His name is Luke Pasqualino and I'm going to need someone to put him under my Christmas tree this year. Clothes are optional. Adding to the beautiful that he already is, the chemistry between him and Kaya Scodelario. OH MY FUCKING GOD! Any scene with the two of them, it's completely electric.
It's like watching Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman or Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh or for all your weird people who don't watch old movies James McAvoy and Keria Knightley. If you have no clue what I'm talking about you need to watch 'Casablanca', 'Gone with the Wind' or 'Atonement'. Once you do that, get back to me. You can feel it between these couples. That's not something you can fake.
With that said, I'd like to add Luke to my husband list. See, he's pretty.

And because I couldn't pick just one pretty.

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